My details
Step 1
My details


(* required)

To find out more about how we manage the data you provide view our Privacy Policy.
My watch
Step 2
My watch


(* required)

The Magazine
Step 3
The Magazine

Patek Philippe International Magazine

For data protection reasons the data you provide below is collected and managed on our behalf by our independent publishing agency, Bookmark, London, United Kingdom.

(* required)

Registering your timepiece entitles you to a subscription, free of charge, to the Patek Philippe International Magazine, produced twice a year in eight languages.

Step 4


Thank you for filling-in the form and registering as a Patek Philippe Watch Owner.

Kindly take note that all data collected will be treated in a strictly confidential manner and will not be passed on to a third party. Unless you have given permission to receive news, your email address will only be used to contact you if there are queries relating to your watch registration.

When you register for the first time a Patek Philippe timepiece you have purchased - via our website - we will send out a confirmation letter by post (assuming all required registration information has been supplied). This is one of the reasons why we require a valid postal address when you register any Patek Philippe timepiece.

For any subsequent purchases registered only via our website, kindly note that an automated reply is simply sent by email to acknowledge the registration of those timepieces.

We thank you for your interest on our brand.

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